29 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Indira Gandhi National Open University, Regional Centre, Chandigarh was established on 1st January, 2009 with a few Study Centres in Chandigarh and it adjoining regions of Punjab & Haryana. It is one of the fast upcoming Regional Centres in the country in terms of student enrolment, number of Learner Support Centres, programmes activated and various decentralized operational functions. Since then with the consistent efforts, the enrolment of various programmes has been increased steadily. The Regional Centre is providing best possible support services through the network of 26 LSC’s in the region.

In open and distance teaching learnering process the role of Regional Centre occupies pivotal position in monitoring, coordination and delivery of programmes. The IGNOU Act defines the “Regional Centre” as a centre established or maintained by the University for the purpose of coordinating and supervising the work of Study Centres in the region and for performing such functions as may be confirmed by the Board of Management of the University. Regional Centre is considered as face of the University for all its practical purposes. Under the diversified delivery system, the University has also introduced the concept of Programme Specific Study Centres for professional courses and Special Study Centres for remote and rural areas, women, minorities etc. Regional Centre maintains effective link between the different Schools and Divisions of the University and Learners Support Centres, between IGNOU and respective State Governments and between IGNOU and the general stakeholders.